








(聶東尼牧師在灣仔葡萄藤教會負責促進公義事工,是今年十月二十至廿一日亞洲公義特會的主席。大會誠邀讀者參與特會。詳情請覽:www.thejusticeconferenceasia.com。本文資料和意念搜集自以下文章,謹此致謝:Generous Justice [Kim Keller],Create vs Copy [Ken Wytsma],以及跟余偉業先生〔「要有光」行政總裁〕的個人訪談。英文原文請見下文。)

Justice and social outreach

by Tony Read

When churches begin to engage with their local community and look for ways of expressing the justice heart of the gospel by meeting the needs of the people around them it can sometimes produce a dilemma which can be expressed as follows. How much of the resources of the church in terms of time, effort and finance can be directed towards a social justice project and will this detract from the core issue of preaching the gospel and making disciples? This question reveals a lot about how we see social justice in relation to the gospel. In my church we answer that question by making the following statement ‘Justice is at the heart of the gospel and the gospel is at the heart of justice’. There should be no dichotomy between the two in terms of our thinking and commitment.

If we do not see that engaging in social justice is as much a witness of the gospel as preaching it using words then we have failed to understand the force of Jesus words.”I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters you were refusing to help me” (Matthew 25:45), and, “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says ‘I wish you well keep warm and well fed’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:15-17). And we should remember that the parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us that the command to love our neighbor extends way beyond the boundaries of those who are part of our own fellowship. But the heart and motivation to be engaged in social justice is not one of mere commandment and duty. It is more based on the response of Jesus to the pressing needs of the people around him. He did not seem to delineate or discriminate those who were more deserving of his time and attention, those more likely to respond positively. The tax collector and the prostitute received as much and maybe more attention than the Pharisee and business-man. There was no attempt at prioritization based on best possible outcome, no effort to maximize result. The kingdom of heaven was there present among them and the grace of God observed no boundaries. If we only consider social outreach as bait to catch the fish then we will have emasculated the meaning of ‘gospel’ and missed the heart of God.

However there comes a time when our grace, enthusiasm and passion is not enough on its own. We will need to add knowledge, skill and understanding to deal with some of the more complex social issues we meet around us. And our resources will need to encompass dedicated facilities and special training. We may consider it more appropriate to set up a dedicated social enterprise to provide the right level of expertise and input to work hand in hand with the church. At this stage it is tempting to spin off a separate ngo to undertake the task entirely . There are many ngo’s that do operate independently in this way and do an excellent job. However this does not diminish the responsibility of the church to fully express the hope of the gospel in word and deed.

Ricky Yu is amused when his friends refer to him as an ‘activist’ because he is a businessman. But he runs his business with a special purpose - the bottom line is not financial gain but societal gain. Ricky has found a way to solve a problem caused by the rapidly rising cost of housing, using hard-edged business skills for the benefit of those who are marginalised. He does this because it enables him to express his christian beliefs in a very positive and practical way. When he was previously working for large multi=nationals he found that just working for the next promotion or winning the next big contract was still leaving him feeling empty and unfulfilled. And yet when he attended church and heard the vitality of gospel truth he saw that there was no practical expression of that in his life. When he began to look around in society he saw that there were many issues of injustice and inequality that were causing problems and he began to wrestle with the issue of high housing rents making it very difficult for young single mothers to survive economically and raise their family well.

He hit upon a solution which involved leveraging an untapped resource (vacant properties of relatively wealthy owners who wanted to see the property used for good purposes not just maximum financial gain) and he matched it with a growing social need. He became a benevolent realtor and a social service manager all rolled into one - and his company ‘Light Be’ is now recognised by government as providing an essential role in society. Ricky describes himself as a ‘bridge builder’ - between the rich and poor; between business and social need; between bureaucracy and compassion; between christianity and society - and he is very happy! He is happy because he knows that he is using his God-given skills and gifts for the benefit of society. He is happy to be called an activist because he knows he is actively reshaping society and actively helping the government to rethink how it supplies housing for those who are financially challenged.

Social outreach is for everyone. It is for the church as a community to reach out to the wider community; it so for the church to inspire and challenge its members to reach out individually to meet the needs they encounters day by day; it is for christian ngo’s and businesses to grapple with the big issues of society and bring christ-shaped solutions to the world. Social outreach is the visible expression of the gospel and the church has a specific prophetic role in demonstrating to the community around them how God sees them, what his love looks like and how sharing that love can change society for the better.

Tony Read is the Justice Advocate for The Vine Church in Wanchai, the host of The Justice Conference Asia on October 20-21 this year. We sincerely hope that you will join us in the conference this year. For more, please visit www.thejusticeconferenceasia.com. This article was written based on ideas and information gratefully gleaned from ‘Generous Justice’ by Tim Keller, and ‘Create vs Copy’ by Ken Wytsma, and a personal interview with Ricky Yu, CEO of ‘Light Be’ lightbe.hk
