




現實是,這「不公義的巨輪」不單成為了惡人、貪污的生意和犯罪集團的車輪,甚至還已植根在我們政府的經濟和政治體系當中。這樣,黑暗與光明之間、善與惡之間的分野變得模糊不清,政府政策和政黨的宣言之間成為了灰色地帶,難為正邪定分界。難怪我們會對波普(Alexander Pope)在一七一一年所寫的警告引以為鑑:「智者不為的事,愚人卻搶著做。」(fools rush in where angels fear to tread)。我們當然需要小心,但這個世界仍迫切地需要智慧、理性和公義之聲。




(聶東尼牧師負責在灣仔葡萄藤教會促進公義事工,是今年十月二十至廿一日亞洲公義特會的主持。特會詳情請瀏覽www.thejusticeconferenceasia.com。本文資料和意念搜集自以下文章,謹此致謝:Just Politics[Ron Sider]、God in Public[Tom Wright],以及跟立法會法律界功能組別議員郭榮鏗的個人訪談。)(系列完)

Politics and prophetic justice
by Tony Read

Many christians want to stay as far away from ‘politics’ as possible because it is most often driven by worldly power, self interest, compromise and corruption - the very opposite of what christianity stands for. And yet ironically it is in this very situation that the righteousness and justice of God is most needed - not to preach judgment and condemnation but to be a light shining in the darkness. So how do we resolve this paradox? How can christians be an influence for good without getting overwhelmed by the very thing it is trying to influence? If this issue sounds familiar to us then we should recall that this is the very same issue that the incarnation of Christ came to resolve.

But we don't start here. We start with a short but compelling verse in the Old Testament “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute” (Prov 31:8). The NLT puts it even stronger “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed”. This and other passages makes it clear that our response to God’s grace is not limited to acts of mercy and compassion but must also encompass a reflection of God’s heart in “defending the fatherless and oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more” (Psalm 10:18). There is a clear call to action on behalf of those who are victims of injustice. The theologian Bonhoeffer expresses these thoughts concisely by saying “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself”

The reality of life today is that many of these ‘wheels of injustice’ are not just providing momentum for the vehicles of evil men, corrupt businesses and criminal gangs but are also embedded in the economics and political structures of our governments. In these circumstances the contrast be-tween darkness and light, good and evil, becomes much more dimmed into the greys and complex nuances of government policies and political party manifesto’s. It is not surprising then that we might take to heart the warning of the writer Alexander Pope who in 1711 said that ‘fools rush in where angels fear to tread’. There is certainly need for caution but there is also a desperate need for voices of wisdom, reason and justice.

This was exactly the situation that the 8th century prophets of Israel and Judah faced when con-fronted with a government (intended by God to demonstrate his righteousness to the surrounding heathen nations) that was blatantly ignoring God’s covenant requirement to rule its own people with justice and righteousness. There was no separation of religion and state in Israel’s OT system of government. It was a theocracy. The prophets were called to constantly remind their rulers that no amount of sacrifice, fasting, earnest prayer, temple worship or self-righteousness could com-pensate for their disregard of the poor, enrichment of the powerful, perversion of legal justice, and corruption in government. God spelled it out in words of two syllables. “No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people” (Isaiah 58:6). Many of the prophets suffered personally as a result of this burning passion to speak truth to power, to be agents of prophetic justice, to advocate for the poor and weak . They were treated as traitors, charged with treason and imprisoned. As a result of the moral and spiritual disintegration of the nation Israel had become weak and debilitated. The outcome was inevitable and devastating. They were all-but wiped off the face of history except for the mercy of their faithful and compassionate God.

Ten years after qualifying as a lawyer, legislator Dennis Kwok became bored under the routine of commercial law and the lack of direct involvement with the majority of society. He did some pro-bono work in Hong Kong public housing estates and relished the connection and value which his expertise could bring to the everyday lives of ordinary people. He decided to train as a barrister and was called to the Bar in 2006. At the same time he started to take an interest in the political arena and became elected as the legal sector representative in 2012 as one of the thirty Functional Constituency members of the Legislative body in Hong Kong. In 2006 he became a christian and began to understand for himself the impact of Christ’s ministry to the poor and disempowered members of society and began to take a personal interest in issues in Hong Kong where systemic injustice was a significant factor and where his role as a legislator enabled him to be a voice for the voiceless. One particular area of interest is refugees and asylum seekers where he sees that gov-ernment policy has pushed this group to the margins of society, disempowering them from being able to make a living and at the same time offering no hope of ever enjoying rights as citizens in Hong Kong even if they are successful in pursuing their claim for asylum. As a legal expert he is also passionate about tightening-up the laws surrounding the various forms of trafficking in persons where people become trapped in situations of near slavery. He is currently working to have the devastatingly traumatic effect which these offences have on their unfortunate victims recognised by increasing public awareness and by campaigning to have its seriousness registered as a criminal offence not merely a violation of civil law. He is also concerned for the educational rights of children who have special education needs (SEN) keeping a watchful eye on cases where citizens are experiencing difficulty in obtaining appropriate help for their children.

While you don't have to be a legislator in order to advocate for the needs of others it certainly helps to have someone who is engaged enough to be able to know how to be most effective. But working is this area is certainly not glamorous and can become a bruising experience. Dennis recalled some of the condemnation and vitriol he has received from members of the public (and some of his friends) - just for being a voice for the voiceless. Justice work of this type certainly takes you right into enemy territory. When God acted to bring a solution to the darkness that had crept in the hearts of humanity and violated his plan for Shalom’ (peace and harmony) it was a costly solution. Jesus came to be both a bringer of justice and a bearer of injustice. As his followers we should expect to find that there is a cost to pay when we work for justice just as Dennis has found.

Tony Read is the Justice Advocate for The Vine Church in Wanchai, the host of The Justice Con-ference Asia on October 20-21 this year. We sincerely hope that you will join us in the conference this year. For more, please visit www.thejusticeconferenceasia.com. This article is based on ideas and information gratefully gleaned from ‘Just Politics’ by Ron Sider, and ‘God in Public’ by Tom Wright and a personal interview with Dennis Kwok. Legislative Council representative for the Legal Sector. (End of the series)
