





聲明內容提到,這是由一班香港基督教教牧和信徒發起,他們對中國就港區國安法決定草案的制定深表憤慨,認為徹底破壞中國對港人及國際社會有關「一國兩制、港人治港、高度自治」的承諾。聯署發起人又在聲明中表示,向社會各界作出認信和承諾,包括: 一、對天國福音的完全擁抱:相信耶穌基督的救贖帶來社群關係的更新,也帶來社會制度和文化的提升,「耶穌基督的救贖旨意,就是要讓天國子民成為經歷更新的新人類,把天國的價值觀和愛人如己的生命特質,活現於日常生活中。」二、對教會缺失的真誠悔罪:在主面前為部份明哲保身或對當權者各樣惡行,及受欺壓者的生命及權益被踐踏和剝奪而只置若罔聞的教會悔罪,願主寶血遮蓋我們的污穢並賜悔改的心,立志重新遵主旨,不再獨善其身;並追求公義憐憫,謙卑與主同行。三、對威權管治的拒絕屈從:立志效法基督捨己背十架,效法歷代眾多因堅守信仰而受苦殉道的先賢,「直至我們打完美好的仗,跑完當跑的路,守住所信的道。」四、對香港社會的守望同行:承諾無論環境險惡都堅持教會本份,與所有香港人同行,見證上主確與處身困苦危難中的人同在同行。




Statement by Hong Kong Christians in Response to National Security Law










我們宣告,耶穌基督是教會唯一的元首和唯一效忠的對象。作為上帝話語和啟示的《聖經》,則是教會一切信仰規範、倫理辨識和待人處事的最高權威。我們立志遵從聖經的教導﹕「除了我(耶和華上帝)以外,你不可有別的上帝。」(出埃及記二十章三節) 還有「當拜主你的上帝,單要事奉祂。」(馬太福音四章十節)我們不會讓任何地上的權勢,不論是政府、政黨、領導人或任何威權組織、部門,位居耶穌基督之上,成為指導教會傳道牧養工作的權威。即使面對威權管治並各式各樣的逼迫和打壓,我們不會向任何地上權勢屈膝敬拜。任何政黨的意志或政府的法令,若違背《聖經》的教導,我們有責任遵從使徒的教導﹕「順從上帝,不順從人,是應當的。」(使徒行傳五章二十九節)








We are a group of Christian pastors and believers in Hong Kong. On 28 May 2020, at the National People’s Congress, the Chinese government passed the draft decision on establishing national security law in Hong Kong. The legislature attempts to enforce authoritarian government in Hong Kong in the name of banning subversion, separatism, terrorism and collusion with external forces, further depriving Hong Kong of freedom and human rights. We express extreme outrage towards such decision. The Chinese government is completely destroying its promise to Hong Kong and the world at large regarding “one country, two systems, Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy”, as well as smashing the foundations for Hong Kong as an international financial center and a liberal city.

At a time where “darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples”, we fearlessly and solemnly declare the following confession and promise to our society, including our full embrace of the Gospel of the Kingdom, our sincere repentance towards the Church’s shortcomings, our absolute refusal to authoritarian government, and our determination to walk together with Hong Kong society.

Gospel of the Kingdom

We firmly believe that through his descension, pastoral ministry, service and sacrifice, Jesus Christ proclaims the following good news to the world, “The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) As the son of God, the everlasting living God and the King of Heaven, Christ’s descension exemplifies God’s determination to demonstrate His authority, power, glory, as well as His mercy, grace and salvation to the world. The King of Heaven does not rule by controlling the world, rather, He rules by showing His love and humble servitude. Being the King, He was willing to sacrifice and die on the cross for His people in order to complete the salvation plan, so that all is forgiven and be reconciled to God, reclaiming one’s dignity and freedom. Thus, as the King of Heaven, His political blueprint is “to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)

We firmly believe that after Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, He sends the Church to the ends of the world to preach the gospel, so that everyone may receive salvation and hope. The gospel doesn’t cater only individual happiness, rather, it involves a societal dimension; it doesn’t merely address the salvation of an individual soul, but the transformation of societal relationships; it doesn’t simply enhance an individual’s character, but the enhancement of societal system and culture. The aim of Jesus Christ’s salvation is to turn His chosen people into transformed new human beings, who live out Heavenly values and genuinely love others as much as themselves in their everyday lives.

Sincere Repentance

We willingly offer our sincere repentance before the Lord. Since the handover of sovereignty in 1997, churches in Hong Kong have been too focused on their internal affairs, we seldom focused on and seek social justice, and we rarely spoke up for the oppressed minorities. When facing the authority’s strong governance and the persecution and suppression towards the dissidents, churches often chose to protect themselves. They engaged in self-censorship and remained silent towards the evil deeds of the authority, with their only wish being the smooth and uninterrupted operation of church ministries. As a result, they turned a blind eye towards the robbed dignity of the oppressed, as well as the deprivation of their basic rights.

We ask for mercy from the Lord to forgive our selfishness, cold-bloodedness and hypocrisy. May Jesus Christ’s blood covers all our filthiness, give us a repenting heart to do the Lord’s will, stop sitting on the sidelines, and vow to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

Be Faithful to Christ

We declare that Jesus Christ is the only head of the church and the sole subject of our allegiance. The Bible, being the Word and inspirations of God, serves as the highest code of conduct in regard to all religious, ethical and interpersonal matters. We pledge to follow the Bible’s teachings, “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) and “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” (Matthew 4:10) We will not allow any earthly authorities, be it government, political party, leaders or any authoritarian organisations or departments, to usurp the authority of Christ and become the authority in administering church pastoral ministry. We will never bow down and worship any form of earthly powers, even in the face of authoritarian government and various forms of persecutions and suppressions. Should the will of a political party or the order of a government go against the teachings of The Bible, it is our duty to follow the apostles’ guidance, “We must obey God rather than human beings.” (Acts 5:29)

We pledge to follow Jesus Christ’s example in denying ourselves, taking up the cross and walking the narrow way. We will also follow the footsteps of the numerous martyrs who have suffered and died for holding fast to our faith, until we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we have kept the faith.

Keep Watch and Walk Together

We firmly believe that the fundamental mission of the church is to proclaim the gospel, build disciples, serve the world and be a witness to Christ. The church is neither a political party nor a political organisation, therefore, political agendas or demands should not become the main focus of the church. However, when facing injustice and evilness in the society, the church should act as the social conscience and fulfil its prophetic role to denounce injustice, to proclaim the will of God, and to bear witness to truth.

We also pledge that no matter how tough it gets, we shall hold onto our duty as the church to walk together with all Hongkongers, and to uphold Hong Kong ceaselessly with prayers and pastoral care, as a living testimony of “Emmanuel” – God is here with those who are suffering.

We firmly believe that although Hong Kong is undergoing a time of drastic change, the just and merciful God would lead Hongkongers through the long and dark night until dawn comes. History will once again demonstrate that only He possesses the ultimate power to abolish and rise kings and states. We yearn for the day when Jesus Christ the King returns, where tables are turned and order is brought out of chaos. Not only will death be destroyed and evil be punished, tears will be wiped away, separated ones will be reunited, relationships will be reconciled – the world liberated, as a new heaven and new earth.

31 May 2020

Initiating Organisation
Glorious Worship Ministry

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