



联署者包括神职人员、宗教学者以及具信仰背景的政策倡议者,大多数来自当地的基督宗教及犹太教群体,遍及全国不同州份。当中包括福音派全国协会(National Association of Evangelicals)的韩裔会长金牧师(Rev. Walter Kim)、前身为「社会行动福音派」的「社会行动基督徒」(Christian for Social Action)创办人赛德(Ron Sider)、知名进步派牧者巴伯牧师(Rev. William Barber),以及前总统布殊的两任信仰顾问。有分析指,参与联署者範围之广,显示这场正值疫症期间的大选性质前所未有,正推动当地宗教组织展现其民间力量。



有份签署的美国福音派全国协会政府关系副会长加利(Galen Carey)对记者表示,今天他们已不能假设,当选举结果底定,大家就可以继续如常生活,并祝福新领袖。


Faith Leaders United

to Support Free and Fair Elections


(A bipartisan, multi-denominational group of faith and community leaders is coming together to make a joint statement about free and fair elections. Please see below, consider signing, and please share with your networks!)


We join together as leaders of faith across political, religious, and ideological differences to affirm our commitment to a free, fair, and safe election. The values of our faith traditions inform our dedication to this cause. All of the constitutional freedoms that we enjoy, including our religious freedom, depend on the integrity of our elections—the foundation of American democracy. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and other national challenges this election season, we express our support for the following commitments and call on all public officials, civic leaders, and all people in a position of power across the country to commit to the same:

  • Our leaders must ensure a free and fair election in which all eligible Americans can safely cast their votes without interference, suppression, or fear of intimidation.
  • Leaders and election officials must count every vote in accordance with applicable laws before the election is decided, even if the process takes a longer time because of precautions in place due to COVID-19.
  • Leaders should share timely, accurate information about the election results and resist and avoid spreading misinformation.
  • Leaders must actively and publicly support a peaceful transition of power or continuation of leadership based on legitimate election results.

The commitments outlined above are central to a functioning and healthy republic and they are supported by the vast majority of Americans, yet they are being challenged in unprecedented ways in the 2020 election. America is only as strong as its people’s commitment to our democracy and the freedoms and rights it ensures. We invite our neighbors of all beliefs and backgrounds to join us in this urgent commitment to support free and fair elections, especially at this crucial moment for our democracy.


