





















張國棟 / 2005-03-08 22:20:52.0








Liberal / 2005-03-06 14:48:41.0

To 蒲生

Dear 蒲生,
Nice meeting you.
Nice to talk with you.
You are really knowlwdgeable!
God bless,

Liberal / 2005-02-17 10:02:09.0

To 蒲生

are u still attending the tuesday lessons

if yes, may i meet u next tuesday

if yes, may we talk over e-mail


蒲生 / 2005-02-17 09:28:33.0

回ng kar yi--on "liberals"

i think the great albert schweizer fit the label "liberal [christian] who strayed too far" ng kar yi is describing. he evidently took exception of the many traditional and "fundamental" teachings of the church. was even forbidden to preach and teach religion by the missionary board while serving in africa.

another great liberal christian is our fellow countryman and china's first class theologian 趙紫辰.

these theologically liberal christians have great character and are by no means immoral as ng kar yi's response seems to imply. indeed it is a quite common misunderstanding that "liberals" are impious or even immoral (of course what is moral may be 見仁見智).

ng certainly points out correctly that terminology sometimes need clarification. "liberals" are sometimes described as if equivalent to leftwing/socialists. othertimes in opposite though. 趙紫辰 was indeed explicitly categorized as 自由主義者 and consequently considered suspicious (as in the case of most intellectuals) by the chinese government in 1950s.

張國棟 / 2005-02-17 02:21:41.0













Liberal / 2005-02-17 01:53:19.0

On "Some thoughts on Liberalism"

excellent article!

some responses:

//In China, the former Soviet

Union and her Warsaw Pact vassal nations, liberals are those who oppose, and hence are persecuted

by, the orthodoxy and established order of communism and totalitarianism. Likewise, in the Muslim

countries, liberals are those who don't follow all or many of the traditional teachings and

practices of Islam. As such, they are considered the enlightened ones, from the perspective of those

of us living in the free world.//

"from the perspective of those of us living in the free world" is good deconstruction but carries the side-effect of ethical relativism: looking at the number of imprisoned journalists in China today, i prefer the perspective of the free world, i cannot call imprisonment of journalists acceptable "from the perspective of China"

//a lot of liberals may stray much further, denying the divinity of Christ and His

bodily resurrection, and rejecting the exclusivity of the christian path of salvation (salvation

only by the faith in the grace of Christ alone) and various other fundamental Christian doctrines.

Essentially, their belief systems degenerate to either Universalism (i.e. everyone will be saved;

different religions are just different paths to Heaven) or work-based salavation (i.e. one is saved

as long as one's good deeds outweigh one's evil doing).//

"stray further" = explore further

why universalism is a "degeneration"?

haven't heard of work-based salvation in liberal theology

//To liberals that strayed this far, and feel free to pick and choose biblical teachings to believe or

reject, as if they are eating a spiritual buffet, my advice to them is (Matthew 7:20-21) {20} Thus,

by their fruit you will recognize them. {21} "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter

the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.//

a piece of document can contain true portions and false portions, determination of which is which is necessary

liberals bear good fruit of inclusive love

the will of Father for us is to love our neighbours, to accept the oppressed and social minorities, as what jesus has done

//Liberals often boast that they are tolerant, humble, sensitive, and accommodating. My reminder to

them is that, in the biblical context, these virtues are always practiced on the basis, but not the

compromise, of sound bibilical truths.//

liberal take conscience, reason, and sacred documents such as the bible seriously to find the "truth"

//In North America and Western Europe, it is little surprise that religious liberals are generally

more inclined towards political parties and policies that favor big government, high tax, lavish

welfare, and lax morality. To these self-deceptive liberals, the gruesome and heart-breaking tragedy

of the communist experiment in the Eastern Europe, the former soviet Union, and China seems to be of

litte relevance.//

liberals won't go back to planned economy, certainly not totalitarianism of those iron curtians you have mentioned, they just remind us to care for the poor, as jesus did

Liberal / 2005-02-17 01:07:44.0

回 張國棟 = from Liberal


佚名Anonymous / 2005-02-17 00:34:21.0

回 張國棟




Moody Handbook of Theology

see my story here: http://www.voy.com/174951/5/291.html

now i am reading this one:


神學院: my story again:http://www.voy.com/174951/5/291.html






木道人 / 2005-02-16 19:41:10.0



關祥文 / 2005-02-16 16:30:29.0




張國棟 / 2005-02-16 15:47:03.0




一.地球人的「霸道」是甚麼意思?我不清楚。這可能跟你之前問苦難時那問題有關,我曾答道,若善是神的本質或本性,我們就不能在神以外尋求善,或認為善是會與神對立的(即神會做惡事)。這講法是有點吊詭的,一方面似是「你講哂」的自圓其說,另一方面若從形而上思考進路看,是十分正常和自然的思想。至於霸權與真理與知識,可參考我之前寫的一篇《論真理一》裡有關霸權的講法, http://www.christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=25893&Pid=6&Version=0&Cid=264&Charset=big5_hkscs

二.地球人說「If I am a good Christian, I would have this idea too 」這裡的idea即「以人的努力使聖經預言實現」,其中包括令一場大戰爭出現。其實一個好的基督徒不需要有這idea的。人雖有自由意志,但實際可改變的歷史裡的事情其實不多,這點雖然不是那些社會改革人士(包括反戰人士)喜歡聽的,但事實卻很明顯,一件小事隨時可以觸動群情,改變政經局面,又或者,一件小事隨時可以令一個偉大政治計劃完蛋。你說向穆斯林宣戰是必須條件,這個想法已帶有太多假設了。


地球人說:「假冒彌賽亞, must be Christians 」。我也不肯定,一方面,不是基督徒才熟悉聖經的,另一方面,這概念在聖經中是甚麼意思,是教會領袖?是某種勢力?還是甚麼?








Kar Yan Ng / 2005-02-16 15:01:35.0

Some thoughts on Liberalism

Liberalism means different things in different historical and social contexts. In general, my observation is that it refers to a system of beliefs which are considered to be "free" or "liberated" from the "restrictions" of another, usually more traditional and orthodox, system of belief. Depending on one's perpective, this could be viewed as good or bad.

For example, in economic philosophy, a liberal is one who believes in laissez-faire free-market economy that has a minimum of government intervention and regulation. In China, the former Soviet Union and her Warsaw Pact vassal nations, liberals are those who oppose, and hence are persecuted by, the orthodoxy and established order of communism and totalitarianism. Likewise, in the Muslim countries, liberals are those who don't follow all or many of the traditional teachings and practices of Islam. As such, they are considered the enlightened ones, from the perspective of those of us living in the free world.

In the context of contemporary Christianity, liberalism covers a wide spectrum of belief systems that disagree with the traditional or orthodox teachings of Christianity in various ways and to various degrees. Some accept homosexuality, abortion, and ordination of women, deny the hisotricity of the Creation account in Genesis 1-11, deny the ierrancy and authority of Scriptures, etc. Meanwhile, they may still hold to most of the other orthodox teachings of Christianity.

On the other hand, a lot of liberals may stray much further, denying the divinity of Christ and His bodily resurrection, and rejecting the exclusivity of the christian path of salvation (salvation only by the faith in the grace of Christ alone) and various other fundamental Christian doctrines. Essentially, their belief systems degenerate to either Universalism (i.e. everyone will be saved; different religions are just different paths to Heaven) or work-based salavation (i.e. one is saved as long as one's good deeds outweigh one's evil doing).

To liberals that strayed this far, and feel free to pick and choose biblical teachings to believe or reject, as if they are eating a spiritual buffet, my advice to them is (Matthew 7:20-21) {20} Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. {21} "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Liberals often boast that they are tolerant, humble, sensitive, and accommodating. My reminder to them is that, in the biblical context, these virtues are always practiced on the basis, but not the compromise, of sound bibilical truths.

Politically, many religious liberals like to describe themselves as progressives (whereas conservatives are viewed as being backward, self-righteous, stone-headed, and regressive of course). Similar to the Communist teachings by Karl Marx, they believe that human beings are capable of perfecting themselves by their own ability, without God's grace and empowerment, and that the human civilization is progressing towards an egalitarian utopia, where there is no more social, cultural, and ideological disparity. Religions will gradually become non-essential, diminished, marginalized, and possibly become extinct eventually.

In North America and Western Europe, it is little surprise that religious liberals are generally more inclined towards political parties and policies that favor big government, high tax, lavish welfare, and lax morality. To these self-deceptive liberals, the gruesome and heart-breaking tragedy of the communist experiment in the Eastern Europe, the former soviet Union, and China seems to be of litte relevance.

地球人 / 2005-02-16 01:11:59.0



地球人 / 2005-02-16 00:32:48.0


After I read the last two paragraph something about Muslim of "從海嘯說起" 吳主光弟兄, what would you think?


地球人 / 2005-02-16 00:08:37.0

Thanks 黃國棟

Thank you very much for your reply. I need time to digest your words.

Everybody try try la, try to avoid 哈米吉多頓大戰 la....

地球人 / 2005-02-15 23:50:06.0

聖殿 (continue with "3 items want to discuss")


黃國棟 / 2005-02-15 23:47:18.0

To: 地球人 (reply to your three questions)

Hi 地球人, it’s me 黃國棟 again

Before I begin my attempt to answer your three questions, let me strongly emphasize that I am only speaking for myself. Don’t quote anything I say as representing Christians. In fact, no one can claim that his/her view represents the “Christian perspective”.


This is a classic analogy of the four blind men trying to describe an elephant by touching its body. Different people read the Bible and pick and choose the image of God that fits their needs or expectations. (Warning: I am no exemption, so readers beware!). But the truth (at least that’s how I understand it) is that God is a multi-facet God.

God has many characteristics, including omnipotent; love; faithfulness; justice; mercy; external; holiness etc. “霸道”carries a negative tone. But although I disagree with Ken_S most of the time, I actually agree that it is clear in the Bible that God does not tolerate worshipping anything else other than Him.

Yet this characteristic must be considered in context with God’s other characteristics. And it is my belief the God’s characteristics CANNOT CONTRIDACT with each other. God must uphold justice, so He cannot just forgive all the sinners (universal salvation), yet He has mercy, so He came to earth and die for us so that we can be saved by grace through faith. And from the Bible we also learned that God has mercy on the unbelievers – see how God negotiated with Abraham.

I guess your question is really “What will God do to those who have no chance to know and accept Him?” I don’t have a definite answer for you on this one. But I question whether this is as straightforward as some Christians (especially the Calvinists) think: that God created these people because God wants to put them in hell? I don’t have enough time or space here to tell you my thinking, but you can email me (info@drgordonwong.net) and I’ll send you more information.

2. 哈米吉多頓大戰

My concern is, some Christians want all words of bible come true, the they will use all the methods to make it true The point is, human can aviod any war, we should concerntrate to aviod war, if we can achieve it, then no 哈米吉多頓大戰 will happen.

There is a difference between God’s will and men’s desire. We do not want war, and we should do everything possible to avoid war. But I doubt whether we can avoid any war. And God’s will is going to prevail.

Let me use a personal example to illustrate my point: Humans don’t like illness and death. I am a doctor. My job is to cure diseases and to save patient’s life (actually I am just doing health outcome research and medical informatics administration, so my role in curing diseases and saving lives is only indirect). But can I avoid illness and death for any patient? NO. All patients eventually will get sick and die. So is the job of doctors meaningless? Shall we just give up and say: “patients are going to die anyway, why border?”

As doctors, we try to help patients through difficult times. That’s the value of medicine. As Christians, our job is to do our best to be the Prince of Peace. But this does not conflict with God’s revelation that wars will happen. Our duty is to help our fellow “地球人”to experience God’s grace during difficult times. That’s the mandate for Christians.

What I am saddened is seeing many Christians trying to pour salt into a wound after some natural or man-made disasters. This is like an obese patient coming into the emergency room having a heart attack, and all the doctor says is that “you deserve this because you do not exercise and you eat too much and you …”

3. 假冒彌賽亞

I agree with your point that this anti-Christ must know the Bible. But can he/she be called a Christian? This is a semantic problem. Any anti-Christ can call himself/herself Christian in order to mislead others. How do we know? By trying to study the Bible and really understand the whole picture, and not to rely on those so-called “experts”

I am really glad that you have the desire to seek the truth and I have a chance to share many thoughts with you. Keep it up.

地球人 / 2005-02-15 22:49:10.0

I suggest read again this article "談討論批評 " first, and then see my "3 items want to discuss"

As title

地球人 / 2005-02-15 22:32:56.0

3 items want to discuss 少許保充


地球人 / 2005-02-15 21:51:50.0

3 items want to discuss

“霸道”的上帝? Just want to understand, is it real?

What actually Christians thinking from their brain(heart)?

Would Christian really want to see 哈米吉多頓大戰 happen? I ask this because according to the bible, it will happen before the judgement day, If human can aviod 哈米吉多頓大戰, this 預言會落空. I guess the main concern of all Christian are 預言會落空, then bible words(the part about the end of the day) will be in vain.If 預言 will come true, then they can say "all words in the bible is true".

If I am a good Christian, I would have this idea too.

My concern is, some Christians want all words of bible come true, the they will use all the methods to make it true The point is, human can aviod any war, we should concerntrate to aviod war, if we can achieve it, then no 哈米吉多頓大戰 will happen.

I know it will have many reaction if no 哈米吉多頓大戰 happen, but for human beings, it is GOOD.

Another example I am really worry, another condition of "the end of the day", is somebody 假冒彌賽亞, It must be a Christian, I don't think it will be a person who never know the bible or other religious person because they don't believe the bible.

假冒彌賽亞, must be Christians.

Let's have a slow discussion about this, anybody welcome to raise their opinion, 懇求不要罵戰,只說出自己的意見.


3 items here:


2. 哈米吉多頓大戰

3. 假冒彌賽亞