





  ※ 一九八九年五月,美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊市有两妇女不将房间租给一女同志,因此被罚款一千五百美元,还要写道歉信,和被逼参加同志教授的「觉醒课程」。

  ※ 加拿大多伦多地区一个印刷商Scott Brockie,不肯为同志组织印一些鼓吹同性恋生活方式的材料,在二○○○年二月被罚款五千加币。

  ※ 二○○二年加拿大英属哥伦比亚省一位模範老师Chris Kempling,在地区报纸批评一些同性恋教材有误导性。因此,政府设立的British Columbia College of Teachers认为他违反了教师操守,被停职停薪了一个月,最後更吊销了教师牌照。

  ※ 二○○四年六月三十日,瑞典法院判处一名在东岸小镇的牧师Ake Green入狱一个月,原因是他在讲道时冒犯同性恋者,触犯歧视条例。
















XOX / 2005-04-18 15:49:29.0

Swedish Hate-Speech Verdict Reversed

First, I like to stress that this case is about hate speech law, not anti-discrimination law. Those Christians who use this as their reasons for opposing an anti-discrimination are either misguided, ignorant, or being dishonest (using scare tactics).

Second, this Ake Green did have very extreme hatred for homosexuals and his sermon is considered hate speech by most reasonable people.

What he said in the sermon.

"He allegedly described homosexuality as "abnormal, a horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society." He described them as "perverts, whose sexual drive the Devil has used as his strongest weapon against God."

 He was charged with inciting hatred against a group of people on the basis of their sexual orientation. Green was found guilty and sentenced to one month in prison. But his sentence was reversed in appeal based on religious freedom.

What kind of Christians are we? Someone who is like Ake Green who used hate speech, or someone who speak of Christ love to all, including the gay community?

You decide. For those Christians who object to discrimintory action on principle would support anti-discrimination law based on sexual orientation. Christians do not need to agreed on homosexual acts, but we should support that they have basic human rights.

一信徒 / 2005-04-12 22:52:12.0


教會牧者首要工作不一定在直接影響社會文化, 到他們也發言時通常當然是被動,並以反對一些措施的情況為多.所以,不妨也因而看他們的發言為社會的警號.

我覺得同性戀的法例, 就算在法律發展方面是進步(只在人本角度而言),人(泛指)-神關係之間也是退步.


蒲生 / 2005-04-08 09:24:07.0


看了常在線君的資料, 我反而深深感到是教會牧師們要反省其一貫譴責同性戀人士的思想和言論了. 反歧視法不是針對基督教界的, 而且假如認同基督教在歐洲已經式微同弱勢, 全社會真係唔會咁得閒針對教會, 在香港就更加唔駛講.

反而我們應該問: 如果教會常發現自己與社會最進步的措施格格不入, 教會人士係唔係應該反省下, 自己是不是仍有很根深柢固的反社會反人道心態呢, 以致覺得社會好多野對佢地不利呢?

常在線 / 2005-04-08 00:21:40.0

瑞典牧師講錯乜? (更正版,在末章補加了一個問號)

瑞典牧師 Ake Green 在講道的講章提及同性戀是罪及不被神喜悅, 被判坐牢一個月. 雖然上訴得值, 但政府決定去終審法院再打過. 究竟佢為乜要坐監. 不如看看令他惹上官非的講章最重要的那部份.


(Ake Green 引用利未記18:22-30 及羅馬書1:26-27:講述同性戀及淫亂等罪是神所不喜悅的, 然後說:


The Bible clearly teaches about these abnormalities. Sexual abnormalities are a deep cancerous tumor in the entire society. The Lord knows that sexually twisted people will rape the animals. Not even animals can avoid the fiery passion of man's sexual lust. Even this [bestiality], some will pursue. For many years, I have heard stories like these from people when I sat and listened as a volunteer telephone counselor. This wasn't just one incident where people told of the animal [sexual] relations they had had -- which had given them satisfaction. So it is abundantly clear that God is not writing a book of fairy tales for people to think of these things. He writes it with the thought in mind that people will act this way when they abandon God. Because of these sins, the land will vomit out its inhabitants. The political response to this in our country is then what Paul talks about: "We know God's righteous decree that those who live that way deserve death. Still it is in that very way they live, and worse yet, they think it is good when others do it." [paraphrase of Romans 1:32.] This is how we experience the political response in our country. They [government] give their consent and they think it is good that they are engaged in this. "It doesn't matter." .......... ...........All homosexuals are not pedophiles or perverts. They nevertheless open the door to forbidden areas and allow sin to take hold of the life of the mind. And the one who is a pedophile today does not start out as such. They simply begin by changing their gender relationships. That is how it began. To be "faithful" in a homosexual relationship is in no way a better relationship than where you frequently change partners. It is equally detestable in the eyes of God. From God's perspective it is to be rejected, and from God's perspective it is as much sin if you frequently change partners as it is to live in a [committed] homosexual relationship. It makes no difference before God's Word.


其實Ake Green在所屬小鎮講道, 原本係無乜人聽, 但他有感於國家正步向錯誤方向, 所以在報章刊登其講道的講章. 同志組織及檢控官遂起訴他. 其實法庭原本已作輕判, 因他犯上了發表煽動仇恨罪, 最重可判坐監四年. 不過, 講下都要坐監? 原因係瑞典有一條法例, 將性傾向列入不可被歧視的範圍中. 法律條文如下.


This is how the applicable part of the new Swedish law reads (Criminal Code Chapter 16; 8 para. – my underlining for emphasis and discussion): “Any person who, through expression or other communication that is disseminated, threatens or expresses disrespect for a group of people or other such group of persons with respect to race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation, shall be found guilty of incitement against a group of people and sentenced to prison in no more than two years or – if considered a minor offense – to fines.  If the crime is considered major the sentence is prison in at least six months and no more than four years. When considering whether the crime is major, special consideration shall be given to whether the communication had an especially threatening or disrespectful contents and had been disseminated to a great number of people in a way intended to create substantial attention.

香港正在研究性傾向歧視法, 如果我地係參考外國法例及案例, 那麼, 瑞典這個例子, 真的完全不會發生在香港嗎? 教會可以匿藏在四幅牆之內嗎? 即使教牧們確保自已在教會外不談同性戀問題, 那如果在公眾場合被記者採訪, 那發言內容又點計?

佚名Anonymous / 2005-04-05 01:01:59.0



不思 / 2005-04-03 16:44:22.0


有關Scott Brockie一案,有關同志組織只要求被告印刷該組織的信封、信紙及其員工的名片,而內容只是該組織的名稱、地址及聯絡資料,信封、信紙及名片的樣本中完全沒有提及該組織的成立目的或服務的內容,這絕不是“一些鼓吹同性戀生活方式的材料”,除非你認為一張信封、信紙及名片可以有此作用。

案件編號: Ontario (Human Rights Commission) v Brillinger [2002] O.J. 2375


有關Chris Kempling一案,案件爭論的地方不是原告是否不享有言論自由,法院在判決時多次重申原告絕對有個人的言論自由去對同性戀作出討論或批評,而此案亦不關乎言論自由,此案只關乎原告作為被告組織的成員之一,他在作出批評時是否權及違反組織守則。

案件編號: Kempling v The British Columbia College of Teachers [2004] BCSC 133


有關Ake Green一案,最新的判決是,於今年二月十一日,瑞典的上訴法院已除消了被告牧師的控罪,原因是法院認為有關歧視條例的訂立目的不是壓制公開討論同性戀的言論自由,亦不限制牧師講道的自由,因此牧師的講道並未觸犯歧視條例。而更須注意的是該牧師的言論,在有關講道中,他將同性戀者等同戀童狂及獸姦者,亦警告信徒要小心同性戀者,因為他們會強姦動物。雖然該牧師被判無罪,但我們是否接受我們的牧者作出此種言論?

參考資料: Swedish Hate-Speech Verdict Reversed, Washington Post Foreign Service, Feb 12, 2005.