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〈《挪亞方舟-驚世啟示》看追求真理的認真〉的 URL

台灣的時事論評:〈《挪亞方舟-驚世啟示》看追求真理的認真〉的 URL 應該是如下:


虞瑋倩 / 2005-05-28 23:29:21.0

安吉 - 可以參考台灣這報導


虞瑋倩 / 2005-05-28 00:40:55.0
銀狐 / 2005-05-26 13:06:04.0





Thx / 2005-05-26 01:29:18.0

請問大家: 銀狐的《挪亞方舟失控事件簿》去了那裡


上月在《時代論壇》見過銀狐的《挪亞方舟失控事件簿》, 當時儲起了的link 是"http://www.christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=28601&Pid=1&Version=0&Cid=146&Charset=big5_hkscs#" , 但之後找不到了, 請問有沒有人知道這文章的新網址?


Hin / 2005-05-25 18:14:05.0

One response

Most people didn't know about ME and didn't really care much about what they said or claimed.

I gave the book to two Christian scientists.  One replied that it is too soon to say that is the Ark and they should bring a powerful light in order to see clearer what is inside the cave. Possibility is always there but a conclusion is still far.

This scientist didn't seem to have any interest to make a claim against ME's discovery since ME is not a representable scientific research organization.

The impact of ME's movie in North America is very slim but I think the impact is much bigger in Hong Kong. I also worry a lot about the example that they are setting among Christians regarding the apologetic method and outreach strategy. ME has set very poor standard and example in both areas.

車朗生 / 2005-05-25 09:53:19.0

無論如何, 影音要收回他們的言論

I think it is not so appropriate to explain the general procedure in announcing the discovery of Higgs Boson (If we really discover it in future) here, as it contains many technical terms and jargons that may need a very long explanation.

What I want to state clearly is that, ME should correct / edit / announce they cannot claim the wooden structure on the Mount Ararat is the Ark. The logic presented by ABC is not reasonable to make people accept the wooden structure found by ME is the Ark.

What if a people claim :

1. Methane in atmosphere was generated by volcanic activities and bacteria metabolism.

2. We found methane in Mars atmosphere.

3. There is no volcanic activities in Mars now.

4. There are bacteria on Mars surface, or in Mars atmosphere because of the trace of methane the satellites discovered from the equipment on them.

ESA and NASA really discovered methane in Mars atmosphere (http://mars.esa.int), but why ESA and NASA did not announce there are bacteria, or living organisms on Mars ?

Because there are other possibilities of the source of methane which the scientists may not know now !

On the wooden structure on Mount Ararat, it maybe barn, or outpost, or a temple of some kind. Without any detailed analysis of the wooden structure, as I always mentioned, no one can announce that is the Ark. It is too naive to draw conclusion like ME did, and ABC quoted.

Hin / 2005-05-24 22:53:50.0

Website and Face

Thanks Andi, I can open the website now. It is really nicely put, excellent work.

Regarding Silver Fox's face issue, I think indeed ME is responsible for producing such a poor quality ducomentary, one of the solution is that the teachers use it as a 反面教材 but I doubted how many will know how to use it in such a way.  I think if they read some of the articles in the website truth-of-the-ark, then they should be able to pick up some tips there.  There are a lot of good stuff there and can help the students how to think and discern falsehood from truth.

The best way of course is for ME to publish another book to admit all the mistakes, but we know that it is impossible for ME to do so.  So, the burden is upon our shoulder.


銀狐 / 2005-05-24 22:26:34.0



安吉 / 2005-05-24 21:34:04.0


基於Blogger.com的設定,Truth oh Noah方舟之真相的coding是 Unicode (UTF-8)。如果大家只看到一片空白或是一堆怪獸,請檢查一下Coding。

通常問題只會出現在IE瀏覽器上,用Firefox看通常都是沒有問題的。(Firefox是Blogger.com的指定瀏覽器) 大家可以考慮改用Firefox,順道支持Copyleft運動。


Hin / 2005-05-24 19:34:55.0

About the book

As I review some of the articles related to this topic, I found that there are a lot of good articles in there. I think it is worthwhile to consider publishing a book from this collection of articles.

I have one suggestion and one question:

1. Who has the copyright of these articles?

2. The name of the book can be "由挪亞方舟說起". There are a lot of solid lessons that we can learn together and we should benefit others too.  We don't have to criticize ME and we should take out any personal comments about anyone or even ME but just present the arguments and points.  It should be a good book to read. Also, in view of the building of the theme park, I think this book will be necessary.  It doesn't have to be exhaustive but at least include some of the best articles in the last two months.

Hin / 2005-05-24 19:29:11.0

To虞:They are reading and changing

Indeed, your contribution is there. Thank you.

I did know someone who endorse ME for this film but eventhough they have reservation now and regret some of the things that they have said but they won't make any public statements out of their kindness.

But, if ME continue to dig into their mistakes, I think someone will begin to speak up. I am still waiting for a few feedbacks from some Christian scientists and pastors about the film and the book. If ME didn't restraint themselves, I think we need to do more to prevent any further damage to the Christian public.

Once again, I won't judge ME's motivation but I think it is just not right to present the conclusions that they are presenting, it is better to put out the fire before it spread any further.

Keep referring the website of www.truth-of-the-ark.blogspot.com to others. I have difficulty opening it, I don't know whether others have the same difficulty.

虞瑋倩 / 2005-05-24 18:52:32.0

給 Hin 和 銀狐

大家也可能記得我在復活節前﹐膽大生貓毛的去廣發一封呼籲﹐裡面指出過“影音使團”網頁幾處嚴重錯誤 (Ron Wyatt﹐ Institure of Creationa Reseach)﹐最新的 www.thedaysofnoah.com  已經沒有了這些資料。

我相信互聯網的影響力有發揮作用﹐所以“影音使團”也不可以不正視。不過要求他們高調表示錯誤﹐就好像難一些。畢竟有好多牧者已經 endorse 了他們﹐某程度上面牽涉不少牧者的面子﹐他們根本就不會高調的講。


Hin / 2005-05-24 18:42:01.0

To Silver Fox: they will respond

In the last two months, there was the world tour of the film, the fund raising for the theme park, the product line of the film and that is why ME can't admit that they are wrong.

Now, the tour is almost over and the products are all out, it is about time for them to make some kind of statements, verbally or non-verbally.

If they stop the production of the DVD, that is a sign. If they take out the statements from the website of the film about the discovery of the Ark, that is another sign. 

I agreed that this is not the end of it yet. I think someone who can write should write something about the whole thing in the last two months. How should a public Christian organization be more responsible for their finance as well as their products? How should Christians present our faith to the public (such as the global best explanation and the local best explanation of 國棟, faith seeking understanding from ABC)? How should well known pastors and Christian workers give recommendations to organizations' products or projects in order to avoid being abuse of their reputation and using "blind faith"? What about evangelism? How should churches review and reflect upon the ministry of evangelism in the church?

Rev. Wu has an article on donation to para-church organization, what about an article on when and how should pastors recommend ME's movies and products? How should artists choose what to involve and what not to involve regarding ME's invitations?

What about ME's tactics in their ministry? Using famous pastors, popular artists, extreme promotions, exaggerate statements.....how should we respond to all these?


銀狐 / 2005-05-24 13:41:02.0




Hin / 2005-05-24 06:17:38.0

To ABC and 國棟: Very good dialogue

I am sure for those who read the exchanges between you two will have benefited from them.  The content as well as some of the attitude and honesty really impressed me.

From the discussions, we can also see that ME has made some major mistakes or has neglected some major necessary studies before the declaration and the defense was made. I trusted that they have read the articles from both of you and it's time for them to reflect and learn and let's see how they are going to react.

I will be really surprise and disappointed if they didn't make any corrections in the near future.  I really hope that they won't continue to stick to something that is inappropriate and inaccurate.  It just won't do them any good. It takes courage to admit one's mistake but that is also the character of a Godly and successful person.

The world tour of the film is almost over and I am looking forward to see whether the DVD will be out and the textbook will be promoted and the content of the theme park at Ma Wan and .....pray that God will give the wisdom to ME to choose and do the right thing.

It is an honor and not a shame to admit one is wrong but it is a shame to insist someone is right when he is not.

This is one of the best discussions I came across and thank you all who contributed to it. It has been great indeed.

ABC / 2005-05-24 06:11:39.0


Thanks, I got your point now =)

ABC / 2005-05-24 06:08:11.0

回應 張國棟


I want to clarify my meaning of “自以為足夠”. Maybe I should drop out my word including “feeling” / “自以為” as it’s confusing.

I agree with total evidence principle and it’s important to consider all the available evidences. I am not suggesting ME not using “total evidence principle”. What I mean is that there maybe some positive or negative evidences, assume they can be weighted. Also, there are some significant or insignificant evidences. So four kinds of evidences:

A. Positive and significant
B. Positive and insignificant
C. Negative and significant
D. Negative and insignificant

what I mean is like this:
for example, I have 10 evidences related to my hypothesis. When I draw conclusion, I only consider A & C, and disregard B & D. So when people keep criticize my B type evidences, I don’t care much as they are not the “key” evidences to support my conclusion. On the other hand, I didn’t find any type D evidence. So, even if I only have just a single type A evidence (e.g. saw a big wooden structure from eyes), after weighting all evidences, still infer my hypothesis is positively supported.

I really don’t know what ME think (picture 3, 4,…), but if they think like picture 2, it’s no use to criticize type B evidences or show them some type C evidences. Need to understand what are their key evidences and reasoning first.

so that’s why I ask following question in my last respond:
我也希望影音澄清「發現了方舟」的意思是什麼? 與反方的註釋是否不同? 為何選擇他們的註釋。

but all idea just from my imagination and the way I perceive what ME said so far.
Of course, my perception can be wrong, but just a suggestion. =)

Thanks for you comment and certainly I learn a lot from it.

黃國棟 / 2005-05-24 05:48:35.0

Reply to ABC: Absolutely no intention to insult you

Please accept my apology if you were offended by my example. I have absolutely no intention to insult you. The statement "I feel that I have enough evidence (based on your writing style and arguments) to declare that you are insane. Is that OK with you?" is meant to be a rhetorical question, i.e. I already know the answer to the question is a NO. (When you see a statement like this, if it is without the "Is that OK with you" phase, the statement may be offensive. But with that phase, the author is already saying that he does not mean what he says in the first half.)


The sole purpose is used to illustrate my point that it is not logical to say that one can “declare any conclusion when he believe that he has the evidence”.


(If I write it in Chinese, it may not generate any confusion. But I cannot type Chinese at this computer, and don't want to wait till I get to my only computer that I can type Chinese)