



筆者自發表〈《基督日報》帶來的困惑〉一文 (二○○七年十一月十六日),因事件也涉及葛福臨佈道大會,不欲事件影響佈道大會,有部分內容不宜發表,也沒有繼續要求《基督日報》作出交待。近日,本地《經濟日報》竟對《基督日報》、耶穌青年會、張大偉(或張在亨)有所報道,《基督日報》應及早作出澄清問題所在,否則疑點將歸在他們身上。

令人費解的是《基督日報》(先前為《基督新報》),有關同工經常轉換名字,全以英文見稱及更替。為何同工們要常常改名?改名背後意味著甚麼?筆者手上有資料顯示不少《基督日報》或耶穌青年會等同工有夫婦關係,而他/她就讀的是張在亨收購的珍珠大學(Olivet University)。

張在亨承認曾為統一教之成員,其後向外宣稱離開統一教,但其傳教手段與統一教甚為相似。就以另一組織攝理教(耶穌晨星會、基督福音宣教會等),其教主鄭明析(又名 Joshua Jung、或 Joshua Lee)今年於內地被捕。鄭明析也曾加入統一教,一九八○年離開而自立門戶。鄭明析在台灣成立中華基督教新時代青年會,而傳教手段採用一對一查經或門訓針對大學生,吸納不知底蘊的信徒。大學生信徒一旦畢業後,就要無薪地為組織作傳教工作,因此他/她們對組織或教主的委身是徹底的。

這些組織更高明之處,往往成立跨國組織。統一教擁有不少組織,如國際文化基金會(International Cultural Foundation)、科學統合國際會議(International Conference on the Unity of Science)及教授促進世界和平學院(Professors' World Peace Academy)。鄭明析則創立國際文化與和平協會(Global Association of Culture and Peace,簡稱 GACP),藉口推廣國際文化交流,使不知底細人士陷入其網羅中。

文鮮明的統一教,看用詭詐的方法欺騙人是「屬天的欺騙」(heavenly deception)。鄭明析及張在亨等,成立相關組織的名稱,也容易令人與現存的基督教團體混淆,如Christian Today(共同體)與現存的 Christianity Today ,Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches(共同體)與現存的Evangelical Presbyterian Churches。為何要用相似的名稱,這正是存疑的地方!現今,《基督日報》承認與耶穌青年會及張在亨等存在隱藏的關係,而張在亨背後有何動機,則不得而知?








楊子聰 / 2007-12-21 00:27:41.0

Major Makoto Yamaya 對獨立調查小組提出的一些建議

據The Davidian Watcher網頁發佈,Major Makoto Yamaya 對獨立調查小組提出了一些建議。

The Gospel Herald Announced Formation of Independent Committee

The Gospel Herald, Davidian's Chinese Newspaper, announced coming formation of "Independent Committee" which is as its official response to Hong Kong Church's Question.

As The Hong Kong Economy Times reported, various doubts are cast on The Gospel Herald and its relating organizations.

The Gospel Herald explained that the "Independent Committee" will be consisted with "Neutral Pastors" to investigate questions on the Davidian Media.

However, further voice is raised from Hong Kong Christians that secure of the "Neutrality" is quite questionable if The Gospel Herald itself makes selection of members of the Committee.

Responding to recent situation in Hong Kong, Major Makoto Yamaya, Anti-Davidian Blogger in Japan, proposed a method of formation of "Investigation Committee" on his blog as follows:

1. When "Neutrality" of the "Independent Committee" not seems secured, Chinese Christians should establish their own "Investigation Committee" apart from the Davidian's one.

2. The Investigation Committee should include Cult Specialists of Korea, Japan, China and North America.

3. The Investigation Committee should work along following procedure:
(1) Preparation of "Agenda of Investigation".
(2) Global Collection of "Evidences".
(3) Analysis on the "Evidences".
(4) Publication of "Mid Term Report".
(5) Discussion on the Report.
(6) Final Conclusion.

4. The Agenda of Investigation should include following items:
(1) David Jang's Carrier in Unification Church (UC).
(1-1) College Unit Leader.
(1-2) Mass Marriage Ceremony (The "1800 Couples")
(1-3) CARP Leader.
(1-4) ICSA Founder and Chief Operating Officer.
(1-5) Conspiracy of Selling Methodist Seminary to UC.
(1-6) Sun Moon University Staff and Professor.
(1-7) Content of "Unification Theology" which he taught as Professor.
(1-8) Process to be "Ex-Member" of UC.
(1-9) Untrue Facts in "Carrier Record" presented to CCK.
(1-9-1) Ordination at Methodist Church in 1980's.
(1-9-2) Ordination at General Assembly of Presbyterian Church (HapDong HwanWong) in 1992.
(1-9-3) Ordination at GA HapDong HwanWong in 1996.
(1-9-4) Ordination at GA HapDong HwanWong in 1997.
(1-9-5) SCC (Southern Cross College) Professor.
(1-9-6) Director of Fuller Theological Seminary Internet Missiology Academy.
(1-10) "Memorandum of Repentance" presented to CCK.
(1-10-1) Qualification of David Jang's "Repentance"
(1-10-2) Qualification of David Jang's Testimony; "I have never been an UC believer".
(1-11) Hanbit University Mission (Jesus Family Center) founded in 1994.
(1-11-1) CEF, renamed from Hanbit University Mission (JFC).
(1-11-2) "Young Disciples of Jesus" and ACM, renamed from CEF.
(2) Young Disciples of Jesus (YD).
(2-1) Doutbs on YD China.
(2-2) Situation of Fudan University, center of YD.
(2-3) GA HapDong HwanWong, which established YD.
(2-4) Identification of Leader of YD China.
(2-5) Relation between YD and The Gospel Herald.
(2-6) Doubt of "Second Coming Christ" on YD China.
(3) Doubts on Davidian in Foreign Countries.
(3-1) Doubts at Rick Ross Cult Bulletin Board.
(3-2) Doubts in North America.
(3-3) Doubts in Japan.
(3-3-1) Testimonies of Japanese Christians.
(3-3-2) Testimonies of Japanese Ex-Members.
(3-3-3) Analysis of "One-to-one Bible Lesson".
(3-4) Doubts in Korea.
(3-5) Doubts in Other Countries.


佚名Anonymous / 2007-12-16 16:42:54.0




Hin / 2007-12-15 07:08:49.0

What happened?

What happened to the website of Church Renewal? Any possible explanation. I hope those from Church Renewal can let us know so that we don't have to worry, is it just a technical problem or something else that we should know.

佚名Anonymous / 2007-12-15 01:44:41.0




www.hkcrm.org.hk (搜尋得來的)


Hin / 2007-12-15 01:17:30.0

Who causes the investigation?

I personally do not know Rev. Wu but I appreciate his concern and sensitivity. His questions about GH is not out of his own imagination but because of what GH has presented to us.

The lack of transparency right from the beginning, the confusing relationship between all related organizations, the bias and preferred reporting of events, the unethical way of raising fund, the improper way of enlisting advisors......are all causing the suspicion from the general public.

We don't want to cast doubt on others without a reason. But, I think we have enough reasons to cast doubt on GH.

If we check all the directors in every countries, they are the same group of eight people. Edward Shih is the founder of GH as it is listed in GH.

How do they get together? What or who put them together? Who train them? If you have met with them, you will realize that they have been trained and trained well. The way they approach you and the points that they presented are almost identical. They sure have some good training. Is all these done by Edward Shih?

As we know, none of the advisors are actively involve in the actual operation of GH, some don't even know that they are advisors. Who is doing all these planning, training, funding...indeed, very interesting!

Kevin / 2007-12-14 17:20:23.0

