



近日,天道書樓出版了一本翻譯自 David Kinnaman 的新書,名為 Unchristian,中譯為《論盡基督徒》,本書作者查訪美國青年人對福音派教會的看法。胡志偉牧師就這本書發表了介紹文章《為何基督徒不像樣?》(http://www.tiendao.org.hk/phblog/?p=1139),我讀後有意作出回應。本文的目的,是繼胡牧師再談現今福音派教會的現象,願與各人一起反思。


















張國棟 / 2010-08-13 00:33:49.0

回應 weak 君

1. 我的回應與一個人有很多邏輯、神哲訓練無關。沒有那些訓練的人都可以講得出來,也會聽得明白。

2. 若您否認您的言論對「自由派」是負面的,那麼我想大家都無話可說。不過,您的用詞是 all bad ,那麼,你一定對的,只是,我也沒有說您說他們是 all bad 。

Weak / 2010-08-09 12:15:58.0

web page changed

I tried to see Rev Wu's book review again by clicking to that web page showed on the article. But it did not show up. However, I do find Wu's review on Tien Dao's other page: http://www.tiendao.org.hk/phblog/?p=1232. For some reason, they change its web page.

Weak / 2010-08-08 23:35:01.0


Daniel Cheung : You are very good at logic, philosophy and philosophical theology and I am weak on them. But there may be much to learn about HK churches. When I mention liberal, I do not mean that it is all bad. It means that they are more open and at least before 90s, they are certainly more concern then Evangelical churches on social justice and the poor. You may just call them Openness or non-evangelical. But how can you say that they do not exist. What do you call Anglican, CCC, Lutheran?You may say that most of their members do not know much about theology, but their leaders do. Do you know the theological background of these leaders? Do you know that most of theses denominations only recognized formal theological degrees from Chinese Univeristy, may be Lutheran Seminary(for Lutheran Churches) and oversea liberal education institutions? And I guess you know most of the theological backgrounds of those teachers from those institutions cannot called Evangelical. Therefore I think it is fair to called those leaders "non-evangelical". And most of those denominations belong to HK council of churches, and thus WCC and the theological standpoint of WCC is well known. Most leaders of those denomination never called themselves Evangelical and I think they are quite proud of themselves as non-evangelical. It is more insult to say that they do not exist than calling them liberal. They may be smaller in terms of members, but most of the Christian schools and Christian social institutions are at their hands and have great influence on the society.Do they have responsibility of the situation of HK churches as a whole? Why do they so silent on the social issue recent years, especially on those issues that may lead to confrontation with Central govenment?                                     I want to make clear that I agree with most of the criticism on the original article, but some the them would not just point to the evangelical churches, but all the churches in HK.

張國棟 / 2010-08-07 14:20:27.0


Weak君說: Where are the liberal or mainstream churches eg. Anglican, CCC, Lutherian? In recent year, those liberal(or leftist) mainly keep silence in anything that may seem to confront the government and Central government .And they are those who activly interact with the Central controlled Three-self Church of China and even the Central government, this clearly influence their attitudes. Why are most critics focus on Evanglical churches?

這可反映出Weak君的思維真的很 weak。首先,如何定義福音派?胡牧師最愛說全港九成以上信徒(包括那些在宗派教會裡的信徒)都是福音派。那麼,當然沒有一些叫做 leftist church 的信徒走去親政府!那麼,信徒來來去去都批評「福音派」裡的主要人物,有甚麼問題,根本沒有甚麼值得旁人如此大造文章。


最後,香港信徒中最像自由派的,要算是經常被明光社罵的基督徒學會吧。然而,偏偏他們卻又比所有「福音派」信徒及機構都多批評政府。看來,在香港的信徒中,最不像福音派的,碰巧又是最不滿意政府的(這是 correlation的觀察)。那麼,請問 Weak 君指摘的那些親政府自由派是誰?大陸的三自教會?幹嗎扯到去大陸?而且,那好像是幾十年前的講法,今天也是一樣嗎?

虞瑋倩 / 2010-08-07 13:32:12.0

Weak -- why should I be grateful for my rightful freedom of expression ?

If you say that I should Christian Times for publishing my article then you are a bigot.
In here they have NO restriction as to whoever writes to them or who can publish -- this is a given freedom of expression -- why should I thank somebody for not being BIGOTRTY ?

張國棟 / 2010-08-07 08:29:21.0


各位不如恭請幾位香港最知名、最頂尖的神學院教授、基督徒學者,和最具影響力的教會領袖,共同寫兩、三本毫不掩飾和不留情地批評及反思教內缺點的書,主題跟 The Scandal of Evangelical Mind, UnChristian, 論盡明光社的差不多的,內容要更深入的,並且指定要各大基督教書店有售。



張國棟 / 2010-08-07 07:57:14.0









alex / 2010-08-06 17:30:18.0


看到這篇文章, 令我想起大陸的弟兄姊妹.....

相對其他發達地區, 及其他華人社區. 中國大陸的信徒顯得不一樣....

近代中國歷史令經歷過的人不禁不能反思人性, 這令人對信仰更堅定追求.

或者另外一樣, 是中國大陸的信徒比較勇敢的面對社會, 回應社會.

而不是在教會內高談一些虛無的神學議題(當然我不反對神學反思的必要, 不過很多時是脫離實際)

甚至大陸的信徒因為迫害的原故,打破了很多教會的形式化, 諷刺的是他們更活出初代教會的生命力.

生在香港的我, 透過對他們的接觸, 找到了現今基督徒缺少的一面.

原來安逸令人失去進取的心, 反思的能力, 令人變得于腐而不可理喻,剛復自用,同樣適用於教會.

令人討厭基督信仰, 除了"賴撒旦"之外, 是否要想想其實我們都有跘倒未信的人呢......

Weak / 2010-08-06 15:02:24.0

Not just Evangelical Church has those problems

There are some points in this article. However, not just Evangelical church has those problems, especially on social justice and righteous.The biggest Evangelical churches are Baptist, Alliance and Evangel. However, the most vocal pastor on this issue is Rev Chu, who is a Baptist. Where are the liberal or mainstream churches eg. Anglican, CCC, Lutherian? In recent year, those liberal(or leftist) mainly keep silence in anything that may seem to confront the government and Central government .And they are those who activly interact with the Central controlled Three-self Church of China and even the Central government, this clearly influence their attitudes. Why are most critics focus on Evanglical churches?

Weak / 2010-08-05 21:26:09.0

God Delusion vs Dawkins Delusion

Because of our faith, no Christian publisher will publish "God Delusion".                                                                                    Because of our faith, one HK Christian publisher published Chinese translation of "Dawkins Delusion" even though it would sell a lot less than  "God Delusion" .                            By the way, God Delusion originally published in 2006 and 4 years had gone and still no publisher publish it in traditional Chinese, what's wrong with the atheist publisher?                                                                           Yu: I don't seem anything wrong with me in defense of Christianity as you are in defense of Atheism.I think you would be grateful to Christian Times ever showed your articles. After all, you are atheist and they are "Christian".                                                            


虞瑋倩 / 2010-08-05 15:32:24.0

To Weak -- I think you should quit being defensive about Christianity

The book was out in 2007, almost a full three years -- the issues in the book was already relevant to Chinese church back then -- only until Evangelicals humiliated themselves twice before they finally realize they have the same image problems, and I already warned them as early as 2007 (Christian Times publish my article in 2008, a full 5 months after I submitted it).
Well, if Dawkin's "God Delusion" can make lots of profit, I challenge your HK Christian publisher "publish according to the rule of business" and make some profit too...

weak / 2010-08-04 22:23:16.0

response to Yu and Cheung

To Yu: Since relatively few readers read English titles and the Chinese edition of "Unchristian" just came out, there is no big fault for the author to say that it is a "new" title. Yu liked to magnify any small "mistakes" in this web site, is it because she is a atheist?There is nothing wrong for publisher to publish according to the rule of business, afterall, someone has to pay all the bids and wages. Leftists and atheists do the same. If Dawkin's "God Delusion" can make lots of profit, why nobody publish it in traditional Chinese. At least a HK Christian publisher dare to publish a response to Dawkins.

To Daniel Cheung: your first response seems very similar. I think you have written similar comment or response about 10 times. And you take every opportunity to mention the name of your title.I think most people here notice it.  I know it is not easy to get people to buy books these days, However, it is not an effective way to promote sale  of book.

張國棟 / 2010-08-04 00:23:24.0


Novelist Anne Rice says `I Quit Being a Christian'

Vampire novelist Anne Rice says she's leaving Christianity -- again -- because she no longer wants to be identified with such a "quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group."

Born and raised a Catholic, Rice left the church but returned after a 30-year absence in 1998. Best known for "Interview With the Vampire" and other vampire fiction, she later turned to spiritual writing, including a "Christ the Lord" series on Jesus' life and a well-received spiritual memoir, "Called Out of Darkness."...

"My conversion from a pessimistic atheist ... to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does not mean following his followers," she said....


張國棟 / 2010-08-03 22:28:02.0


看到這文章會談談科學和同性戀等 hot issues ,是感到欣慰的。早前我回應胡牧師那文章和我寫的該書讀後感裡也提過,福音派很嚴重的問題是思潮上脫了節,但胡文和該書作者卻沒有認真面對過。

其實十多年前還有一本書,恐怕對福音派更震撼,也恐怕因此沒有香港出版社翻譯。那就是 Mark A Noll, The Scandal of Evangelical Mind。就我膚淺所見,在香港基督教文字裡,有討論或最多引用該書的,要算是拙著《論盡明光社》。


虞瑋倩 / 2010-08-03 20:11:27.0


本書出版了三年喇﹐ 仲話新。不如說香港的出版社係屬于穩陣派﹐ 本書唔賣得都唔敢引入。。。